That daily dose of nature…


Octovber 2020

October has been dominated by news of rapidly increasing CV infections and the introduction of a new three-tier system to control its spread and help prevent hospitals being overwhelmed. Across the country lives have been changed forever and livelihoods lost - I know I’m not alone in finding it hard to remain positive. 

The upcoming US election is only adding to anxiety levels but in times like these it’s useful to remember that no amount of worrying will change anything and the only thing we can control about such events is our response to them.

For me a daily dose of nature has become essential. There is much to appreciate during these mellow autumn days. In the garden leaves fall silently as I work and quince, medlar and crab apples hang like jewels. The compost heap has been turned, weeds cleared from the borders and the wildflower meadow is newly bare. In putting the garden to bed for the winter I’ve gained some semblance of purpose at least.


Another lockdown!


Gardens need continual editing…