Rosy June…

June 2023

Long days of sunshine and warmth - at last!

How lovely it’s been to sit outside in the early evenings with air filled with birdsong and the faint scent of roses, watching petals falling like confetti from the rose arch. It was from here, as I was weeding, that a tiny fledgling goldfinch fluttered down beside me and sat, quite still and unperturbed, while I took its photo.

This has been the first year that the arch has been fully covered with flowers. Planted around eight years ago now, the climbing rose, Rosa ‘New Dawn’ has been a favourite since growing it in our London garden. Flowering from early summer to autumn it has clusters of sweetly scented, shell-pink flowers which deepen in colour towards the centre and glossy foliage.

My Suffolk Open Studio weekend

Despite all the extra gardening, tidying and rushing around beforehand, as always the event was hugely enjoyable and it was a real pleasure to welcome friends, fellow artists and interested strangers into my studio to see and chat about my work. Some had travelled long distances to visit and for that I feel humbled, surprised and truly grateful.

It’s a small space and a lot of clearing and cleaning and putting away stuff is involved in making it ready but I find that the act of arranging my work on the walls and along the narrow shelf and creating groupings across the tables allows me to pause and re-evaluate what I’ve been doing. 

I’m always surprised at the final effect - it’s a bit of a ‘Marie Condo’ moment I suppose but it’s only then, when everything is done, that I am able to see more clearly how I want to take my work forward and where I want to go with it. 

Visitors reactions are always interesting too. People are drawn to different things and have different opinions but luckily they are always polite and the only comments I hear are positive!

Unbelievably I forgot to take any photos over the weekend but these were taken before anyone arrived.

2024 Garden Days Calendars and Diaries

We are now in the process of updating the website to show the range of 2024 calendars and diaries so please come back soon to check on details. Delivery is expected in early September:-)

And as always…

Thank you for taking the time to read this and your interest in my work.

Happy gardening, stay positive and stay safe all :-)


Happy days…


A sudden rush…