It’s summer…

July 2021

And what a month it was. Torrential downpours, gusting winds, days of soft rain punctuated by a spell of hot Mediterranean weather all resulted in much less watering than is usual, remarkably vigorous growth in the garden and, at last a relaxation of lockdown rules.

After so many months of restrictions long awaited family celebrations, birthday treats, restaurant meals, garden visits and outings could at last go ahead and it has felt quite miraculously hectic in every way, not least in the garden.

In the border fast-growing ornamental poppies quickly took over any spare inch of soil. Purple-plum flowers of Papaver ’Lauren’s Grape’ originally grown from seed jostled with flowers of all shades of red from darkest burgundy to brilliant scarlet. Poppies hybridize easily and purist gardeners may well disapprove that I allowed cross-pollination to take place but I’m happy that the resulting colour scheme, nature’s way of aiding in the survival of the species, wasn’t due to my intervention. Not that there’s much colour control in my summer planting in any case - at the height of the season a mixture of all colours feels right to me and seeing Monet’s garden in Giverny only helps re-enforce this.

Dephinium requienii, less vibrant in colour but equally dramatic has also proved an enthusiastic and welcome self-seeder. This unusual biennial forms tall spires of  lavender flowers reminiscent of miniature orchids and its dark green, shiny, leaves have proved to be a perfect foil for the arching spikes of carmine flowers of Dianthus carthusianorum beside it.

 Days spent working in the garden have been filled with the scent of sweet peas, roses and lavender and evenings made heady with the scent of Nicotiana growing in tubs on the terrace.  Outside at twilight, watching pipistrelle bats flying silently above me, waiting for the giveaway rustling of leaves that signal the arrival of our visiting hedgehog for its supper I’m given the time and space to reflect on what makes life worth living and how much we have to be thankful for - being alive for one… 


A new favourite plant…


Welcome visitors…