A new year and time to take stock…


 January 2020

Time to slow down and plan for the coming year.  Outside there isn’t much real gardening to be done though there is certainly lots of tidying. Snowdrops and winter aconites are emerging from under their blanket of leaves and, with the garden pared back to its winter bones, I will re-evaluate it’s structure and make fresh planting plans. 

On rainy days I plan to sort out the studio where piles of drawings have accumulated. Now, with the passage of time it's easier to see those to keep or discard and with fresh eyes, to find a piece or two that hold a spark of something new to be explored and developed.

My diary is already filling up. I‘m taking part in a group exhibition in March and my studio will be open to visitors during the first week-end of June.

Lots to do before then....   


News has taken over our lives...


Garden Diary: October 2018