All about food…


August 2020

This has been a month all about food. There is something magical about harvesting your own vegetables and just four big pots, planted up in late spring have yielded daily pickings of home-grown runner beans and tomatoes, enough for sunny lunches of soups and salads and to roast with garlic and store in olive oil.

It hasn’t all been about feeding ourselves though. The arrival one day of a hedgehog with baby in tow was as thrilling as it was unexpected. Apparently these shy and endangered creatures are rarely seen in daylight unless they are hungry or sick so once our local vet had kindly checked and confirmed that all was well with the baby a reason for their visit became clear.

Now it seems that at least temporarily we have been adopted - no doubt due to the nightly feeding routine taking place right outside my studio doors.

Healthy hedgehogs should always be allowed to roam freely. They run fast and can cover distances of 3 miles a night as they wander but perhaps these two may stick around - how magical that would be!


Gardens need continual editing…


How it started…