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In the blink of an eye…

April 2023

Sometimes there’s nothing better on an early spring morning when the sun is still low and shadows are long than to simply stand in the garden soaking up the utter perfection of the moment, trying to fix a picture in my mind before in the blink of an eye and in changing light everything will change.

Nothing is quite the same today as it was yesterday and it will be different again tomorrow but, even so, a part of me can’t wait for other buds to open or plants to start flowering. And so it goes on - an unending cycle of looking forward.

Could this be one of the many reasons that gardening is so good for the soul?

I’m happy to find that the few bulbs of Erythronium ‘Pagoda’ the dogs tooth violet bought cheaply in the market and planted out in a courtyard bed a few years ago seem to be happily increasing despite the fact that they are competing with densely rooted, lily of the valley - a problem I am trying to address.

Erythronium are best grown in shady borders under shrubs where they won’t be disturbed and are hardy in the UK. Despite their exotic appearance growing them is quite straightforward. The bulbs should be planted vertically with about 10cms of soil covering them in a spot where the earth doesn’t dry out completely in the summer. Woodland gardens with dappled shade are ideal.

In the Studio…

I’ve been concentrating on fresh illustrations of plants and people to include in upcoming publishing work and as usual when I’m painting a person I start to imagine their personality. This little lady is emerging as a definite garden warrior with attitude and no amount of digging will be too much for her! As for current advice from the RHS that we should stop using the term ‘weeds’ in a derogatory way and instead refer to them as ‘weed heroes’ I don’t think this lady is listening.

And as always…

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your interest in my work and garden.

Happy gardening, stay positive and stay safe all :-)

See this gallery in the original post