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April 2022

April comes from the Latin word ‘aperio’ meaning to open and hence to the opening of flowers - how very apt!  

Here in the garden quince, crab apple, ornamental cherry and medlar trees are bright with blossom, blackbirds are nesting in the ivy and the borders are filling out with fast-growing herbaceous foliage and the promise of more joys to come. The courtyard is sweet with the scent of honeysuckle and lily-of-the valley.

Most breathtaking of all though is the rare Japanese tree peony - Paeonia suffruticosa Double White. Bought as a very small shrub a few years ago it has grown quickly and is now happily established. Watching the buds swelling in size each day has been a delight only surpassed when the flowers opened into exotic blooms the size of large tea plates. Hardy and disease resistant, tree peonies thrive in light, well-drained soil in full sun and have proved surprisingly undemanding and easy to grow here.

Pleione ‘Tongariro’ has been another undemanding and unexpected delight. This beautiful, hardy Burmese orchid with deep magenta flowers and speckled centres was a gift from a keen fellow gardener. I thought I’d find such an exotic specimen difficult to grow but it has slowly multiplied despite being pretty much left to its own devices in a sheltered spot outside. I’m now totally hooked and unlike peonies its flowers are long-lived and bloom for over 3 weeks - another big plus. 

Should you be interested I’ve found two commercial sources and more information :

Van Meuwen and Thomson & Morgan.

In the studio…

I hope you like this April page from my sketchbook - made after a walk through ancient bluebell woods nearby.

This method of painting is loose and spontaneous unlike the technique I use for my illustrations and has a completely different character. I needed to work fast before the flowers wilted but I think it is only because I’ve spent so many years studying and painting plants so carefully that I am able now to work as freely.

Suffolk Open Studio weekend…

Planning for my open studio with Suffolk Open Studios over the weekend of 11/12 June is becoming more urgent - not long to go now. I’ve a small collection of newly made porcelain bud vases and ceramics for sale and new work for you to see. Please feel free to have a wander round the garden while you’re here - I am doing lots of weeding!

It’s also the Sudbury ‘trail’ weekend when visitors will be able to have a look behind the scenes and see artists in action all around the town. It’s a great day out and there’s no obligation to buy.

Thanks for reading. Happy gardening and stay safe all:-)

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